M60 F: Rapid Strength, Fibre Reinforced Bedding Mortar

Our market leading bedding mortar now with added fibres for superior strength gain. Ideal for use with all access covers, as well as for the bonding of granite setts, flags and bedding kerbs.

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Kier record 82% reduction in repeat visits thanks to UltraCrete Tough Patch®

Kier have recorded a 82% reduction in repeat visits to the same pothole repair site after using Tough Patch® Leading UK...

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Material Awareness Day

Interested in finding out more about our range of products? Why not join us on an upcoming Material Awareness Day....

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Yorkshire Water

I would highly recommend UltraCrete Envirobed to any contract for ironwork reinstatement. You simply don’t see any failures when it is used correctly. I have tried alternatives, but we always come back to Envirobed!

Nathan Page