Enviro Mastic

UltraCrete Enviro Mastic is a PTS PAS-approved, rubber-modified, hot-applied mastic asphalt that offers superior performance in hot tarmac applications. Suitable for a wide range of patching and repairing jobs, our hot mastic asphalt can be applied to carriageways, footpaths, footways and cycle tracks or as a surface finish when installing street furniture and access covers.

Enviro Mastic is a hot mastic asphalt, which is similar in many ways to traditional asphalt. However, the high concentration of bitumen in hot mastic asphalt gives it an impervious, waterproof quality. For ease of access, UltraCrete Enviro Mastic is stored as a granular material.

Insure your Install with UltraCrete. Click here to register your interest.

Enviro Mastic offers a range of benefits:

  • No voids.
  • First-time permanent repair.
  • Long-term wear resistance.
  • Zero waste, as the packaging can be added into the mixture.
  • More than 50% recycled material per bag.
  • SROH-compliance.
  • Ideal for remote locations.
  • No mechanical compaction required.
  • Specified in 20kg plastic bag.
  • NBS Source-registered, for ease of specification.
  • UltraCrete Accredited Reinstatement Specification (UCARS) product.
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Technical Information for UltraCrete Enviro Mastic

Enviro Mastic’s formulation makes it well-suited for the patching and repairing of:

  • carriageways
  • footpaths
  • footways
  • cycle tracks.


It can also be used as a surface finish when installing street furniture and access covers.

The unique design of our hot mastic asphalt provides long-term wear resistance and eliminates voids, ensuring first-time, high-quality permanent repairs and installations. Incredibly versatile, Enviro Mastic can also be used as a surfacing material for:

  • road ironwork
  • gullies
  • and other street apparatus.


Look no further than Enviro Mastic when:

  • surface repairs are required in footpaths or around utility reinstatements
  • local or airfield repairs must be carried out
  • narrow trench reinstatements should be made.

Enviro Mastic hot-applied asphalt is formulated to comply with the test requirements of the revised Specification for Highway Works (SHW), Clause 946, as defined in the Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways (SROH).

The product has been assessed under PTS PAS Certification (Ref: PA946 0006), issued by Pavement Testing Services Ltd. (PTS Ltd.)

Enviro Mastic is manufactured to conform to British Standards for Bituminous Mixtures. Our hot-applied asphalt works in line with BS EN 13108 Bituminous Mixtures – Material Specifications, Part 6 Mastic Asphalt.

Additionally, Enviro Mastic’s PTS certification covers the incorporation of 50%+ reclaimed aggregate within the confines of BS EN 13108.

Download the full technical datasheet for Enviro Mastic

Enviro Mastic requires a mastic mixer to heat the material ready for use. The machine operator must be fully trained in the use of the mixer and act in full compliance with health and safety requirements. The operator must also be aware of the hazards associated with gas-heated mixers and the handling of hot materials.

The installation area should be clearly defined before any work commences. When preparing the product for application, the surrounding pavement or carriageway should be stable and structurally sound.

The saw-cut edges of the excavation around the ironwork or apparatus (known as the ‘access surround’) should be within the required parameters of the Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways (SROH).

These should follow the guidance of S11.5 Ancillary Activities, specifically the relevant sections of:

  • S6 Flexible & Composite Roads
  • S7 Rigid & Modular Roads
  • S8 Footpaths, Footways & Cycle Tracks.


Prior to using UltraCrete Enviro Mastic as the surface finish, the ironwork reinstatement should be made good using UltraCrete bedding mortars (fully conforming to CD534, formerly HA104/09) and flowable backfill concrete materials, approved for use and holding Product Acceptance Scheme Accreditation, such as a PAS or HAPAS Certificate.

The ironwork and chamber installed should correctly match in size and the chamber must be of sufficient strength to support the frame, cover and expected loading for the category of road.

When bedding the ironwork, the frame should be aligned using a string line, to ensure it is level with the surrounding surfaces and the camber of the road on all sides.

The materials used for bedding the ironwork must be installed at a minimum depth of 10mm. The backfill flowable concrete must be installed at a minimum depth of 20mm over the flange of the ironwork, and at a minimum of 100mm below the road surface or top of the ironwork.

Once the backfill concrete has cured, spray a uniform application of UltraCrete SCJ Seal & Tack Coat, to prime all concrete surfaces, metal frame edges and saw-cut asphalt edges.

The operator should be familiar with the mastic asphalt mixer, which should always be used as per the manufacturers’ guidelines.

To begin the application, pour the required number of 20kg bags of UltraCrete Enviro Mastic into the mastic mixer, before bringing up to the required temperature.

Once the bags are empty and the product is above 100°C, you may add the packaging into the mixer. The operator should be aware of the maximum and minimum quantities of material that the mixer can safely handle.

Mix the material until it has melted and is reading between 180°C and 190°C on the mixer temperature gauge (always ensure the temperature gauge on the mixer is in full working order before you start).

Ensure the product is thoroughly homogenous, which may take approximately one hour depending on ambient temperatures and quantity of product in the mixer, as well as the type and capability of the mixer in use.

Regularly crosscheck the accuracy of the machine temperature gauges by using a laser temperature gun aimed at the material as it is discharged from the mixer hatch.

When it reaches the correct temperature and fluid consistency, discharge the molten material into a metal mastic bucket. Pour the material from the bucket into the prepared reinstatement and hand-smooth using a mastic float to press and layer the material into position.

Apply the material in layers of 20–50mm depth, pressing firmly and smoothing the surface to create a dense, level finish.

Minimum overall installation depth of UltraCrete Enviro Mastic should be 100mm, up to a maximum overall depth of 150mm. In non-regulated private installations, Enviro Mastic can be installed at a nominal 50mm depth, the balance of the ironwork depth replaced with cement backfill.

Allow each layer of the mastic to cool before applying the next. Each layer should take approximately 15 minutes to solidify and create a firm base for the next.

After the final layer has been applied, and while the product is still molten, press either 8/14mm or 14/20mm graded of pre-coated aggregate chippings into the hot surface of the mastic. This will provide suitable surface texture (the aggregate should be rated 65 PSV for lower category and 68 PSV for higher category roads). Chippings can be pressed into the mastic using a hand roller or float, or with the aid of a mechanical roller.

Typical coverage rate for the chippings would be 8kg/sqm to 10kg/sqm for 8/14mm grade or 10kg/sqm to 13kg/sqm for 14/20mm grade.

The product will set in 45 minutes to one hour, dependant on the depth and size of your installation, as well as the ambient external weather conditions.

The installation should not be trafficked for a minimum period of one hour, to ensure the product is sufficiently set to accept vehicle loading.

Thanks to UltraCrete’s handy quantity calculator, it’s never been easier to calculate the correct amount of hot-applied mastic asphalt for your project.

Simply input your required area and depth below to find the perfect amount.

Always ensure that appropriate PPC is used when preparing, mixing and applying Enviro Mastic. As with any hot-applied asphalt, always wash your hands before consuming food and make sure that materials are kept safely out of the reach of children and animals.

Please dispose of packaging and waste responsibly and in accordance with local authority requirements.

Download the full safety sheet for Enviro Mastic.

All Instarmac products are manufactured in a plant whose quality management system is certified and registered as being in conformity with BS EN ISO 9001.

Our products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture. The product will be replaced or your money refunded if the goods do not comply with our promotional literature.

We cannot, however, accept liability arising from the application or use of our products. This is because we have no direct or continuous control over where and how our products are used. All products are sold subject to our conditions of sale, copies of which may be obtained on request.

Delivering lasting results in compliance with all relevant certifications and creating zero waste, Enviro Mastic is the ideal solution for a number of patching, repair and reinstatement projects.

If you’re still unsure on the ideal quantities required for your project, have any questions about the product, or simply want to find out more, our expert team are on hand to support you throughout your purchase.

Contact us today to purchase Enviro Mastic for your upcoming project, or download the UltraCrete brochure to find out more.


Large County Council

For the last 18 months we have fully adopted a HAPAS approved reinstatement system for ironwork and we have had no failures at all. As a result of this, we have also now upgraded the County’s Code of Practice for Ironwork so that the use of HAPAS & CD534 materials are specified.

Senior Highways Technician